Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Early bird

It's another early start. 4.30am this time.

Back hurts, leg hurts, so pills and cuppa and a wheat sack is called for while I knock myself back into sleeping shape in time for the kids to get up.

Such is life.

Today I have some lists to make. And lists of lists.

And a length of bamboo to cut down if I can get out there. I think I'll choose the one with the stupid Norwegian flag on it.

Riveting, eh. I hope Deb is having more fun in London than I am here at home.


Update: flag removed and disposed of. Who needs a Wonderboy reminder like that flapping 40 feet off the ground in the back yard for the next 15 years. Not me, baby.

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Gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc - We gladly feast on those who would subdue us ...