Monday, March 3, 2008

Made an Emery

Not so long ago, historically speaking, Society did a very good job of keeping its collective nose clean by quite brutal means, compared with our modern progressiveness. Either you conformed or you got hurt. You steal someone's stuff and you were hanged, or transported, or had your hand cut off. Murder someone and look out. Simple concepts that even a brain dead moron could figure out. No wet bus tickets for disrespectful deviants and miscreants in those days.

There are few things in this world that I dislike more than nasty little anti-social bastards who like to steal, smash or deface other people's property but one thing that really pisses me off is injustice.

Couple the two together and you get this;

The remarkable thing about Bruce Emery is how utterly unremarkable he is. This small, fragile and terrified man, a father of three and successful small businessman, shakes as he describes the murder charges he faces, the death threats against his wife and children and the family home he can never return to.

Emery, his wife and three young daughters are hiding in a modest house in an undisclosed location after he allegedly fatally stabbed a teenage boy who graffitied his suburban home.


Some dirty little tagger got a hard lesson in reality. And his scumbag family can't see where their responsibility in all this lies...

Right or wrong, innocent or guilty, Bruce Emery (who hardly looks like a knife-wielding vigilante, hmmm??) and his family's lives have been ruined. They should be handing this guy a medal and holding the kid's whanau responsible.

1 comment:

Flattie said...

Oh, but haven't you heard ? According to one of our esteemed Maori members of parliament, graffiti is a legitimate expression of art for our coloured brethren. Maybe we should be taking collections to buy sheets of hardboard for them to deface..... Sorry, express themselves artistically on. My personal view of graffiti merchants is that it should be made compulsory for them to have their spray cans forcibly used as suppositories...

Gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc - We gladly feast on those who would subdue us ...