Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cup a load of this

Remember I said that I felt like a big cuppa, well...

when the cream alyssum planted all around the rim flowers, my cup shall frotheth over. Or something.

I'm a cappuccino kinda girl, just ask Muzz.

PS - Note the Raleigh 20 wedged into the bamboo in the background - this is the memorabilia area of the garden; it has the old front end loader bucket cum planter, the old stilson; old farm rake (I think it was a dung rake *shrug*) stuffed into the bamboo and they will shortly be joined by the Old Man's timber jack I found lurking under the honeysuckle the other day and the dead-fall tree trunk down behind the bamboo. To represent some of the jobs he did during my childhood and the tools I grew up playing with, of course.

PPS - Wait until you see the hanging planters I'm making...

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Gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc - We gladly feast on those who would subdue us ...