Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Boxing on.

Yesterday was the best Christmas Day I can remember. It was a ripper. Pressies, friends and family around, everything going like clockwork. The kids and oldies buggered off for lunch so I sat back with my feet up, stereo up, Chrissy pressie herbal in one hand and beer in the other, in the arbor, with a light drizzle falling gently on the grape leaf canopy above me. As I did so, I thought that there was very little missing from that moment.

One can hardly complain about that, hmm?

I have started writing a list of New Year's Resolutions, one a day for the 7 days leading up to 2008. They are listed in no particular order, just as they come to me.

7. Christmas Day: : Get better at accepting things I cannot change.

6. Boxing day: : Become more self-sustaining. Rely on no-one else for happiness.

Now roll on New Year's Eve - we are going to our other "home" in Thames. What a nice way to start the new year :-)


Flattie said...

Thats a lovely compliment.. Thank you Sweety... Discreetly wipes a little moisture from corner of eye.... damn rain gets into everything....

Morticia said...

Well a little sucking up never goes amiss, either! bahahahaha

Glad you are home safe.

Lisa Emrich said...


I've decided to start a Blog Carnival specifically for those with MS or those who discuss MS. You are invited to participate. Information is available at


Gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc - We gladly feast on those who would subdue us ...