Sunday, November 4, 2007

Mind wondering

I cannot help but wonder at this point, with all these new options that have opened up with the simple detail of visiting a new neurologist, whether things would have been different if it had all been done 6 years ago, and would I be better or worse, or similarly the same.

And that's pretty fucking pointless, because I'll never know. Eh...?

So I stopped thinking about that and decided to think of something pleasant instead but I couldn't think of anything, being a bit grumpy and fed up and kind of hating everything, as ya do... and then I stumbled on the Shakespearean Insults Generator and realised that there are worse things in life than losing one's mind, one could be a perfidious ill-bred leprous witch as well.


But anyway, if I could choose to get one thing back, I think I'd choose my photo/video memory. I'm really missing that.

PS - I bet the guy who lost half his load off his trailer as he passed us, just outside Hamilton the other night is missing his dining chairs, too! Bit of a bugger the cars following him didn't...


Flattie said...

Old Willy really did have a thing for hedge born incontinent varlets didn't he? Who the hell has that much time on their hands that they can sift through his interminable volumes of work & FIND all these little literary gems anyway?

Morticia said...

The generator uses separate words to build the phrase and then calls them randomly:

First phrase -


Second phrase -



Flattie said...


Morticia said...


Did you notice they left out "Mongolian Snot-Gobblers?

I thought that was one of old Billy's favourites...

Morticia said...


First phrase:


Second Phrase "base-court","prick-eared","puisny-tilted","puke-stockinged","open-arsed","bat-fowling","beef-witted","beetle-headed",

Third phrase:

"whey-face","scullion","serpents-egg","callet","slug","bag of guts","punk","bitch-wolf","botch","withered-hag",
"mangy-dog","foul deformity","odiferous stench","no bowels","drunkard","turd","bear-whelp","eunuch",
"devil-incarnate","filthy rogue","vile worm","writhled shrimp","scurvy-knave","whore-master","malt-horse",
"imbossed carbunkle","eternal devil","execrable-wretch","murderous coward","foul adulterer","ingested-lump","wrinkled-witch",
"plebian","strumpet","horse-drench","promise-breaker","incontinent varlet","leprous witch","babbling gossip",

cwnda said...

I rather like the sound of a sanctimonious open-arsed fustilarian - has a nice ring to it don't you think? -Ô¿Ô-

Morticia said...

A nice ring indeed. muaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaa

Gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc - We gladly feast on those who would subdue us ...